ATLANTA, GA – Essex Furukawa Magnet Wire LLC announced today that Daniel Choi has been appointed as Essex Furukawa Magnet Wire CEO, effective March 1, 2022. Additionally, Mr. Choi will assume the role of CEO for parent company Superior Essex Inc. and its subsidiaries.
Essex Furukawaは、持続可能な未来を担う態勢を整えており、今年もお客様と双方の利益となるような力強い1年になることを期待しています。Essex Furukawaは、自動車の電動化に伴う成長を目指しており、ケーブルおよびワイヤー製造業界でのチェ氏の経験は、バリューチェーンのすべてのメンバーの新たな成長につながります。この先、Essex Furukawaには大きなチャンスがあります。チェ氏がチームを率い、Essex Furukawaとお客様の継続的な成功に貢献することを期待しています。
Mr. Choi brings decades of experience to the company and has a proven record in strategy development, operations, and sales. We anticipate that his tenure will help drive Essex Furukawa into the future. Previously, Mr. Choi was associated with LS Cable and System, parent company of Superior Essex Inc., since 1999. Most recently he served as Regional President, North and South Americas for LS Cable and System and prior in the role of President, LS Cable and System USA for MV and LV Power Cable Systems. Throughout his tenure he has been closely associated with Superior Essex, including serving as President, Cyprus Investments from 2008 –2014, and as the SVP, PMO Europe and China in 2015. He holds a PhD in Material Science Engineering from Seoul National University and received his MBA from Helsinki Business School. Mr. Choi is based in Atlanta and also serves as the chairman for the Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Georgia.
この経営陣の交代は、ブライアン・キムがEssex Furukawa Magnet WireとSuperior Essex Inc.とその子会社のCEOを辞任したことによるものです。キム氏は、7年近くSuperior Essexと、最近ではEssex Furukawaのチームを率いていました。同氏の実績には、コアバリューと企業文化の確立による事業のサイロ化の打破、生産能力の増強、MagForceX®イノベーションセンターの立ち上げによるイノベーションと研究開発の優先順位付け、Essex Furukawa Magnet Wire合弁事業の戦略的な立ち上げ、そして最近ではEssex Furukawa Vision 2030による持続可能な未来性への事業コミットメントが含まれています。
我々は、キムの当社への多大な貢献に感謝するとともに、Essex Furukawaを次の10年に導くチェを歓迎します。
Essex Furukawaについて
Essex Furukawa Magnet Wire LLC is the leading, global provider of magnet wire that is used by most major OEMs, Tier 1 suppliers, and industry leaders in the automotive, energy, industrial, and commercial & residential sectors. The Atlanta-based company is a global joint venture formed in 2020 between Essex Magnet Wire and Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., both leaders in magnet wire product development, and custom solutions. The combined entity, relying on the strengths of both Essex Magnet Wire and Furukawa Electric, draws on more than two centuries of combined experience and knowledge to push forward innovation while also remaining focused on delivering manufacturing excellence and outstanding customer service. essexsolutions.com